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Showing posts from August, 2018

Nicholas Willard Bos Part 5

1942 WWII Draft Registration           Registering for the Draft WWII           WWII on the West Coast           Washington State during WWII 1945 First Inauguration Harry S. Truman          V-J Day 1946 death of brother Chris 1942 age 50 Nicholas signed up for WWII Draft Registration in 1942.  He lists his residence as Oak Harbor WA, with telephone 8F2 (that is an interesting number, is that so the operator knows which plug to put the cord in to connect the call?)   Nicholas Willard Bos 1942 WWII Draft Registration front Again, this is a secondary source of his birth date and place.  And, he is self-employed, most likely as a farmer.  I think this is his actual signature, yay! Nicholas Willard Bos WWII Draft Registration Back On the back, we get a glimpse of his physical description -- white, blue eyes, brown hair, light complexion, s...

Nicholas Willard Bos Part 4

1930 Census Swantown, Island WA 1933 End of Prohibition          First New Deal 1934 birth daughter Eileen          Bonneville Dam 1938 Broadcast War of the Worlds 1930 age 38 Nicholas and Grace Bos 1930 Census Swantown Road, Swantown, Island County WA The family is circled in red with yellow arrow pointing at Nicholas, starting at line 42.  There is no house number, but the enumerator listed it as Swantown Road.  We'll look at that in a moment.  Notice, right under the arrow (yes, I've hidden it, but you can always view the original), the enumerator put the dividing line for those living on Beach Drive, and those on Swantown Road right after Nicholas Bos.  Now, I think it is a mistake, as there is no way for the head of the family to live on one road, and the rest of the family -- in the same dwelling -- to live on another.  I suspect the entire family lives on Swantown road (although I coul...