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John Bos II Part 7, 1910s

John Bos II Part 7 1910s

John Bos II mini-pedigree from


Federal Census, Oak Harbor, Island County, Washington

John & Wilhelmina Bos 1910 Census
Oak Harbor, Island County, Washington

John Bos lived in Oak Harbor, Island County, Washington, age 55, born in Netherland (Holland).  It looks like he and Wilhelmina, age 60, have been married for 33 years, and that this is John's first marriage, but this is Wilhelmina's second marriage.  This census indicates they both arrived in the US in 1881, which is different than in the 1900 census.  John and Wilhelmina may have forgotten the EXACT date of his immigration.  If I had to choose, I'd tend to go with the 1900 census figure, because it was closer to the event.  Another possibility is that a neighbor or one of the kids answered the questions of the census taker, thus getting the date wrong.  It looks like John was naturalized, which meant that the wife and foreign born children were included in the naturalization process.  He was a dairy farmer working on his own account.  It looks like the entire area was all dairy farmers.  Everyone can read and write, everyone speaks English.
-- Please note, in, this family is indexed as John Boo

Here is what I wrote in the blog about John's son Nicholas Bos --
The census was done 21 April 1910.  This is sheet 3B, and we start by finding Nicholas on line 73 (red arrow), living with his parents John and Wilhelmina Bos, and two older siblings, Pete and Minnie.  Interesting to note a John W. Bos, his wife Mary and their son John Wayne Bos, who is about a year old.  This family has to be related to our Bos family ... hold on a second while I research.
Still searching ... loading ...  and I found that relationship.  John Wayne Bos' father, John M. Bos is brother to our Nicholas Willard Bos.  Therefore, although they are about the same age, Nicholas is the uncle to John Wayne Bos.  HAH!  And you thought I couldn't figure it out!

Historical Insight -- The Americanization Movement

John Bos II moved from Netherlands to the United States at a time when immigrants were expected to quickly assimilate into American society.

The United States dealt with a flood of immigrants during
the early 20th century through the Americanization
Movement -- a variety of programs and campaigns aimed at
turning foreigners into Americans -- Historical Insight,
Credit:  FPG/Archive Photos/Getty Images

At the turn of the 20th century, millions of immigrants poured into the United States.  Faced with the challenge of integrating the newcomers into the national fabric, the Americanization Movement sought "to change the unskilled inefficient immigrant into the skilled worker and efficient citizen" and to show them "the spirit of America, the knowledge of America, and the love of America." -- Historical Insight,

In Other News for 1910

  • The Boy Scouts of America was incorporated  (Pearson, 2017). 
  • King Edward VII dies (Pearson, 2017). 
  • First Father's Day
    • The First Father's Day was celebrated for the first time in Spokane, Washington (Pearson, 2017).  

1910 age 55

Historical Insight -- The Adam Forepaugh and Sells Brothers Circus

the Foreign performers, trained animals, and incredible stunts of the Adam Forepaugh and Sells Brothers Circus probably awed John Bos.... --

1911 Adam Forepaugh and Sells Brothers Circus 4
About 1896.  Credit:  Library of Congress
( Historical Insights, 2019)

Forepaugh's circus was the first to have a separate big top tent for the menagerie.  Performing in places as famous as Madison Square Garden, the show and its exotic features were wildly popular until it performed its last tour in 1911 ( Historical Insights, 2019).

In other news  (, 2018).
Japan annexes Korea
Halley's Comet shows up
King George V (Windsor) begins his reign


In Other News for 1911

  • The First Electric Self Start was installed in a Cadillac (Pearson, 2017).  
  • The first ever running of the Indianapolis 500 (Pearson, 2017).  
  • The Mona Lisa is Stolen in France (Pearson, 2017).  
  • 1911, Roald Amundsen reaches the South Pole (, 2018)

(The Lancaster Morning Journal, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 1911)


Daughter Minnie Bos marries Antoon Muller, Oak Harbor, Island WA.  There is a marriage certificate with signatures.  She signed as Mrs Antoon Muller, and you can see the emotion in that scribbled ending.  I love it.  Minnie dies 1967 in Island County, Washington.  You can visit her Find a Grave memorial here. --

In Other News for 1912

  • Alaska organized as a territory(, 2018).
  • Arizona becomes the 48th state of the union (Pearson, 2017). 
  • Girl Scouts of America is Founded (Pearson, 2017). 
  • Hsian-T'ung, the last emperor of China is forced to abdicate (Pearson, 2017). 
  • New Mexico enters the union as the 47th state(, 2018).
  • The Republic of China (Taiwan) is created  (Pearson, 2017). 
  • The Titanic strikes an iceberg and sinks on her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York (Pearson, 2017). 


Woodrow Wilson becomes the 28th President of the United States

He served from 1913 to 1921.  He was a Democrat, President of Princeton University, and New Jersey Governor.  He lead the US during World War I (Wikipedia -- Wilson, 2018)

(Wikipedia -- Wilson, 2018)

Quote:  "The man who is swimming against the stream knows the strength of it" -- Woodrow Wilson (Wilson, 2018)

7 November 1913

Historical Insight -- Great Lakes Storm of 1913 

In 1913, a devastating storm furiously slammed the Great Lakes.   Hurricane-force winds of 90 miles-per-hour, towering waves over 35 feet, and whiteout blizzard conditions inundated the Great Lakes between November 7 and November 10, 1913 (Historical Insights -- Great Lakes Storm of 1913, 1913).

Credit:  Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain
(Historical Insights -- Great Lakes Storm of 1913, 1913)

In Other News for 1913

  • First Cross Word Puzzle is published in New York World  (Pearson, 2017). 
  • New National Income Tax
    • The first American citizens receive information over the new national income tax.  A married man living with his wife, who is in receipt of an income of $5,000 pays $10 a year and if his income is $10,000 he pays $60 per year (Pearson, 2017).  
  • The Panama Canal joined the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean (Pearson, 2017).  
  • The Sixteenth Amendment, which paved the way for the United States adoption of income tax, was ratified (Pearson, 2017).  



In Other News for 1914

  • The Bra became a thing women needed (
  • Germany and France Declare war (Pearson, 2017). 
  • Henry Ford introduces $5.00 per day wages for all his Ford Workers (Pearson, 2017). 
  • Panama Canal opens (Pearson, 2017). 
  • World War I began in this year (


In Other News for 1915

  • Einstein's Theory of Relativity (, 2018).
  • A German torpedo sinks the British Ocean liner Lusitania off the Irish coast, killing nearly 1,200 people (Pearson, 2017). 
  • Suffrage Movement March in New York (Pearson, 2017).  


In Other News for 1916

  • Emma Goldman jailed for Advocating Birth Control (Pearson, 2017).  
  • First Air Combat
  • Thfirst use of air combat by the US when Eight Curtiss "Jenny" planes of the First Aero Squadron are used in support for the 7,000 U.S. troops who invaded Mexico to capture Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa (Pearson, 2017).  

  • German zeppelins drop close to 400 bombs over the WEst Midlands (Pearson, 2017).  

  • Irish Easter Rebellion flared up (, 2018).
  • Rasputin was murdered in Russia (Pearson, 2017).  
  • Sonar is invented (, 2018).


Historical Insight -- America Enters World War I

When the United States declared war on Germany in 1917, John Bos, age 62, was living in Oak Harbor Washington .... --

Boot Camp was made up of a variety of training:
physical fitness, mental preparedness, and learning to handle
various types of weapons.  Bayonet practice was required almost
daily, practicing the repetitive "short point stab" movement on dummies
About 1910, USA
Credit:  Archive Photos/Getty Images
Historical Insight --

Son Nicholas W. Bos marries Grace Westerdyke in Coupeville, Island County, Washington.

Nicholas Willard Bos

Nicholas was born in 1892, the youngest of eight children.  He fought in World War I, registered for the draft for World War II, married Grace, had six children of his own.  He died in 1970 and is buried in Mount Vernon, Skagit County, Washington.  You can visit his Find a Grave memorial here.  I have written a series of posts about him, the first of which is here,

In Other News for 1917

  • "The Balfour Declaration" established a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine (Pearson, 2017). 
  • Congress passes the Immigration Act which required a literacy test (Pearson, 2017). 
  • Czar Nicholas II Abdicates (Pearson, 2017). 
  • Father Edward Flanagan founds Boys Town (Pearson, 2017). 
  • King Constantine I of Greece abdicates his throne (Pearson, 2017). 
  • Munitions Ship Explodes in Halifax Harbor killing 1,800 (Pearson, 2017). 
  • The Russian Revolution starts


In Other News for 1918

  • Influenza Epidemic Begins in Fort Riley, Kansas (Pearson, 2017), lasted two years, yet killed 25 million or more US citizens ( 
  • Royal Air Force is Founded (Pearson, 2017). 
  • The US Congress approves daylight savings time (Pearson, 2017). 
  • Prohibition started and would last the rest of Joseph's life (

1919 age 63

Historical Insight -- Paris Peace Conference

John Bos probably read newspaper accounts about the Paris Peace Conference while living in Oak Harbor Washington.  John was 63 years old.

The British delegation negotiated the awarding of mandates
over territory previously controlled by
Germany and the Ottoman Empire.
1919, Paris, France
Credit:  Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain
(Ancestry Historical Insights, 2019)

In Other News for 1919

  • The 19th Amendment to the US Constitution, guaranteeing women the right to vote, passed by Congress (Pearson, 2017). 
  • The American Legion has it's first meeting (Pearson, 2017). 
  • Benito Mussolini establishes the Fascist Party in Italy (Pearson, 2017). 
  • Congress established Grand Canyon National Park (Pearson, 2017). 
  • Germany signs the Treaty of Versailles with the Allies, officially ending World War I (Pearson, 2017). 
  • KLM Royal Dutch Airlines of the Netherlands is founded (Pearson, 2017). 
  • League of Nations instituted (
  • Shortwave Radio invented (

As you can see, I just don't have that much information nor documents for John Bos for this decade.

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Ancestry Historical Insights. (2019). 1919 Paris Peace Conference. Retrieved from

Ancestry Historical Insights. (2019). Adam Forepaugh and Sells Brothers Circus. Retrieved from

Ancestry Historical Insights. (2019). America Enters World War I. Retrieved from

 Ancestry Historical Insights. (2020). Americanization Movement. Retrieved April 2020, from

Ancestry Historical Insights. (1913). Great Lakes Storm of 1913. Retrieved March 20, 2018, from

Dayspringacres. (2019). John Johannes Bos II mini-pedigree. Retrieved April 6, 2020, from Ancestry:

Pearson, S. (2017). 1880 The People History. Retrieved December 30, 2016, from 1880 to 1889 Important News, Significant Events, Key Technology: (2018). TimeLines. (Timelines courtesy of Timeline formatting and technology copyright © 2000-2018, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED under the Pan-American Conventions.) Retrieved from

Pearson, S. (2017). 1880 The People History. Retrieved December 30, 2016, from 1880 to 1889 Important News, Significant Events, Key Technology:

Wikipedia -- Wilson. (2018). Woodrow Wilson, 28th President. Retrieved from Wikipedia:

Wilson, W. (2018). Woodrow Wilson Quotes. Retrieved from BrainyQuotes:


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